1. Wearing jeans.. again! 2. Miami Swim Lounge 3. Pop of color 4. My boyfriend's bday 5. Loving my red pants
Previous remixes: Remixes anteriores:
This Furor shirt is vintage; reason why I couldn't find a similar blouse for the tittle above. It's not only super versatile but the fabric is perfect for the summer, or for the crazy hot Miami weather. I really like the V neck; it's very flattering (even though, I have worn it backwards to change the shape of it). I've worn it with bright jeans, leather, skirts, and shorts..
Which one is your favorite?
Esta camisa de Furor es vintage, razĆ³n por la que no encontraba ninguna parecida para el titulo. Me encanta porque la tela es bastante fresca para el calor de Miami- tambiĆ©n el cuello en V se ve super elegante (aunque en uno de los outfits, decidĆ usarla de manera que los botones quedaran en la partĆ© de atrĆ”s y adelante mĆ”s cuadrada). La he usado con pantalones de cuero, de colores, faldas y shorts...
¿CuĆ”l es tu favorito?
Since I was a little girl, I get obsessed every time I get something new. My mom used to hide my clothes because I would wear them over and over again- I would grab them as soon as they were out of the dryer. You already saw this shirt with white shorts last week-I swear I wanted to wear it the whole week. This time, I paired it with high waisted leggings and a black bandeau top since it is see-through. I love the movement of this shirt and... can you believe Tati from Furor named it after me? (check it out!!). We took these pics right during sunset and I love how the sheerness of the shirt looks with the sun. I wore this outfit to a friend's house party! I hope you are having an amazing week! XOXO
Desde que soy chiquita: cuando me compro algo nuevo, lo utilizo hasta mĆ”s no poder. Mi mamĆ” tenĆa que esconderme la ropa porque la usaba apenas salĆa de la lavadora. Esta camisa la comprĆ© la semana pasada y si fuera por mi, me la hubiera puesto todos los dĆas de la semana. Anteriormente la vieron con unos shorts blancos- esta vez la quise combinar con unos leggings a a cintura y una bandeau negro de moda que se transparentara. Amo el movimiento de esta camisa, y .. pueden creer que Tati de Furor la llamĆ³ "Nany's beige top". Tomamos las fotos justo durante el atardecer y me encantaron como quedaron. Este outfit lo utilicĆ© para ir a una fiesta en casa de un amigo! Un abrazo a todas!!
What's "I challenge you to..."? It's weekly special where we (Flor de Maria Fashion & I) challenge our readers and bloggers around the globe to wear specific trends or themes- and we would love if you could join us. Every Monday, we'll publish the each week's challenge, so you have all week to plan your outfit and wear it. Then on Sundays: we'll show you how we wore the trend/theme and you'll be able to share your link&outfit with everyone
This week’s challenge: (08/29/2011 - 09/05/2011) We Challenge you to make tennis shoes look CHIC.
I think I have worn sneakers on this blog just once - Flor and I LOVE heels. Reason why we decided to challenge ourselves and make sneakers look chic.
¿QuĆ© es " Te reto a...." ?"Te reto a..." es una secciĆ³n semanal donde retamos (Flor de Maria Fashion y yo) a todas las bloggers y lectoras a usar ciertas tendencias/ temas- y nos encantarĆa que nos acompaƱaran. Cada lunes publicaremos el reto, de manera que tengan toda la semana para planificar y usar su outfit. Luego el domingo nosotras compartiremos como lo usamos nosotras y pondremos un espacio para que ustedes dejen el link de sus artĆculos
El reto de la proxima semana: (29/08/2011- 05/09/2011) : Haz que tus tennis se vean chic.
Flor y yo somos FANATICAS de los tacones- entre mƔs altos.. mejor. Yo creo que solo he usado zapatos de goma/zapatillas/tennis solo una vez en el blog- esta es una pieza que tendemos a relazionar con comodidad en vez de MODA. Razon por la cual las invitamos a todas a convertir tus tennis en una pieza super chic.
Previous Challenges: RETOS PASADOS:
-Contrasting colors - Colores que contrasten.
- Taking over somebody else's closet - Atacar el closet de otra persona
- Taking over somebody else's closet - Atacar el closet de otra persona
This weekend I wanted to wear this gorgeous dress I got from Flechada- a flash sales sites where you can find hispanic designers/brands for less (to read more about click here). I was very drawn to this dress because of its color, versatility, and back (even though you can see it here, it has a cute design and you can adjust it). I'm sure you are going to see it a lot: with blazers, with tights when it gets cold, etc. This time I wanted to wear it with simple black pumps and my favorite new bag. After a long week of school, my boyfriend wanted to take me on a "romantic date". We had dinner in Miami Beach at a cute street called "EspaƱola Way"- I really like it because of its European vibe, you feel like you are not in Miami. Thank you so much for visiting my blog- it means the world to me! XOXO
Este fin de semana querĆa usar un vestido que me llegĆ³ de Flechada- una pĆ”gina de compras online donde venden marcas de diseƱadores Latinoamericanos pero con un gran descuento (Si quieren leer mĆ”s, haz click aquĆ). Me llamĆ³ mucho la atenciĆ³n por varias razones: el color, la versatilidad... y la espalda un poco descubierta con unas tiritas que puedes ajustar. Estoy segura que lo van a ver bastante: con blazers, con medias pantys cuando haga frĆo y mĆ”s. Esta vez lo quise combinar con unos zapatos cerrados sencillos y mi cartera favorita. DespuĆ©s de una semana de clases, mi novio quiso llevarme a cenar y a pasear a la "EspaƱola Way"; una calle en Miami Beach con un aire muy europeo. En esta calle te sientes en otro lugar gracias a sus pequeƱos restaurantes italianos, la arquitectura, y la decoraciĆ³n. Mil gracias por visitar mi blog- son las mejores! Un abrazo.
Para leer mĆ”s de los retos semanales, haz click aquĆ
Choosing a decade for this challenge was extremely hard for me- I was very drawn to the 80s but I wanted to challenge myself and do something very classy like the 40s-50s- then, I really wanted to do my makeup like Twiggy but it was a complete fail. As you can see, I ended up doing grunge 90s- which I LOVE. Even though I got to experience the 90s and I was very into my clogs and plaid when I was around 8....I still love 90s music and one of my favorite shows is the original 90210. I hope you enjoy the pics- I really wanted to try something different: we went to downtown Miami because we thought the gratifies go perfectly with the whole grunge vibe. About my day: it was a super relaxing sunday, I did some groceries and watch Pretty Little Liars (somebody else obsessed with that show?). Have a great week! XOXO
Escoger que dĆ©cada hacer para este reto fue super dĆficil- tenĆa ganas de hacer los 80s pero querĆa retarme a hacer algo clĆ”sico como los 40s- despuĆ©s querĆa maquillarme como Twiggy en los 70s. Con lo indecisa que soy.. terminĆ© haciendo el movimiento grunge de los 90s. Y sinceramente me encantan los 90s- aunque vivĆ mi infancia en esta dĆ©cada, me encanta. TodavĆa mis canciones favoritas son de los 90s y uno de mis shows de tv preferidos es BH 90210. Recuerdo mucho a mis hermanos (que son 10 aƱos mayor que yo) con sus camisas de cuadritos y a sus amigas con los pantalones altos y las "barrigas al aire". Espero que les guste, es algo diferente- quise "actuar" un poquito y no sonreir ya que siento que la onda del outfit no cuadraba con mis sonrisotas. Nos aventuramos a ir a downtown en una zona que esta toda grafiteada y me parece que va perfecto con el look. Sobre mi dĆa: ha sido un domingo bastante tranquilo, y de diligencias (la gente me viĆ³ un poquito raro en la calle.. pero que importa!). Un abrazo inmenso a todas! Feliz semana!
As some of you might know, I just started studying "Fashion Merchandising" after graduating in Business and working in social media for about a year. I also promised that I would share what I wear to school- the hard part about dressing up for fashion school is that you still want to be comfortable in class but you DO want to look like you study fashion- and it's even harder when it's 6 am and you just want to stay in your PJs. About this outfit: when I was checking out everyone's entries for last week's challenge "Dress like your favorite blogger, I realized I had all the pieces to recreate FanceeNancee's outfit so I went for it. I wore this to school on Wednesday, a day full of quizzes and proyects! I hope you are having an amazing weekend! XOXO
Como muchas sabe, regresĆ© a la universidad despuĆ©s de un aƱo de haberme graduado en AdministraciĆ³n y estar trabajando en social media/relaciones pĆŗblicas. Pero esta vez estoy estudiando "Fashion Merchandising" o mercadeo de moda- y les prometĆ mostrarles lo que llevo a la universidad. Lo difĆcil de vestirse diariamente para ir a una escuela de moda es encontrar el balance entre "comodidad de universidad" y algo que diga "pero estudio una carrera relacionada con la moda" - y mĆ”s aĆŗn cuando son las 6 am y lo que quieres es ir en pijamas. En el reto de la semana pasada "vĆstete como tu blogger favorita", FanceeNancee compartiĆ³ un outfit con unos jeans verdes y una fedora- apenas lo vi le comentĆ© fue como "tengo todas las piezas para recrearlo". Como les dije, esto fue lo que usĆ© para ir a la universidad el miĆ©rcoles; un dĆa lleno de proyectos y examenes! Espero que esten disfrutan el fin de semana! Un abrazo!
I haven't published this outfit because I was super sick that day and I look so swollen. However, I really like sharing all outfits- even if it's just a couple of pics. About my outfit: I have seen a couple of bloggers wearing casual leopard shorts during the day so I wanted to dress down my leopard skirt. Reason why I added a flowy dolmain top to keep the proportions balanced and casual. About my day: I went shopping after speaking with Flor de Maria Fashion- she told me about this amazing leopard bag at Aldo so I headed to the mall (you can see the bag HERE). I also got the boot cut jeans and a simple tee for class. I promise I'll take lots of pics this weekend! I hope you have an amazing weekend! XOXO
No habĆa publicado este outfit porque fue un dĆa que me sentĆa mal pero me obliguĆ© a salir de la casa- y en mi opiniĆ³n, me veo como hinchada. Pero me gusta compartir todos los outfits que pueda con ustedes- asĆ sean pocas fotitos. Sobre mi outfit: he estado viendo muchĆsimo unos shorts de leopardo en bloggers y diferentes redes sociales de moda y lo utilizan de dĆa. RazĆ³n por la cual quise usar mi falda de leopardo de una forma mucho mĆ”s casual- le agreguĆ© una camisa grande para equilibrar las proporciones.Sobre mi dĆa: hablĆ© con Flor de MarĆa Fashion por telĆ©fono y me contĆ³ sobre la cartera de leopardo de Aldo y salĆ corriendo a comprarla (les contĆ© de esto y se las mostrĆ© AQUI). Les prometo que este fin de semana voy a tomar muchas fotitos para ustedes! Espero que disfruten el fin! Un abrazo!
I've been working on this project for about two months now, and I have been dying to tell you all about it... and I finally can. I'm part of the Teen Vogue Blogger Boutique and Bebe for Fall and Fashion's Night Out ( I always fainted when I got the first email). I'm going to be in the Bebe catalog with 3 other bloggers, there we chose our fashion must-haves for fall and our three favorite outfits from the catalog. Then on Fashion's Night Out , on September 8th, I'll be in the Linconl Road store giving some style tips and helping people pick outfits. If you live in the Miami area (or SoFL), I would love to see you there- you can see all the details about it on the invite above. On the pics below, I'm showing you three possible outfits for FNO, what do you think I'll be wearing that day?
Hace dos meses recibĆ un email del equipo de Teen Vogue Blogger Boutique invitĆ”ndome a ser parte de Bebe para el catĆ”logo de Fall y Fashion's Night Out (casi me muero de la emociĆ³n y no puedo creer que me aguantĆ© tanto, me morĆa por contarles). Tuve que escoger 3 outfits que me gustaran del catĆ”logo y decir por que, y 3 piezas que me parecieran vitales para el otoƱo- esto saldrĆ” en todos los catĆ”logos a nivel nacional de Bebe (que emociĆ³n!). Y el 8 de septiembre voy a ser la anfitriona de la fiesta de Fashion's Night Out en el BEBE de la Linconl Road- en la foto de arriba pueden ver todos los detalles: direcciĆ³n, hora y promociones. Si vives en el Sur de la Florida, me encantarĆa que pasaras a saludarme, voy a estar dando tips de moda y ayudando a la gente a comprar. Abajo les muestro 3 posibles outfits , ¿cuĆ”l creen que escogĆ para ese dĆa?
1. Sequins and cargos 2. Victoria's Secret Bombshell tour 3.Leopard and cargos 4.Celebrity Inspired outfit 5.So many memories
I got this cargos last year at Express- and I've worn them SO MANY TIMES ( more than pictured here). I even did a little remix last year on my spanish blog- but they deserve one in Nany's Klozet since they have been featured so many times. I've worn them
Which one is your favorite?
Estoy cargos los comprĆ© el aƱo pasado en Express y les he sacado el jugo, de verdad que los he usado demasiado- tanto asĆ que ya habĆa hecho un remix en FCF (fotos debajo) pero los he seguido usando en Nany's KLozet asĆ que se merecen un segundo Remix. Los he combinado con gris, negro, marron, blazers, fedoras, tacones, flats... DE TODO
¿CuĆ”l es tu favorito?
I've been living in Miami for 5 years and I have never been on the metrorail.. until yesterday. We decided to try to go to a mall by metrorail but we didn't realize it was around 22 stops (and each stop was LONG). After spending an hour in the metrorail,we decided to go back- on our way back, the train just stopped ( I don't know what happened but the power went out and we were in the middle of nowhere for 30 minutes). The trip was a mega fail but at least we did something different and the scenario for the pics changed a little. After that, we had some venezuelan food and I had to do some school projects. About my outfit: I got this shirt at Furor last week, I loved the color&movement (and it's so versatile, I have a lot of outfits in mind for this shirt). How's your week going? XOXO
Cinco aƱos viviendo en Miami y nunca me habĆa montado en el metro- es que de verdad no estĆ” bien desarrollado y es casi imposible transportanse en Ć©l. Pero decidimos aventurarnos e intentar llegar a un centro comercial -aparte aprovechamos para cambiar de escenario en las fotitos. DespuĆ©s de estar 1 hora en el tren y darnos cuenta que todavĆa nos faltaban 15 paradas...decidimos regresarnos; y en el regreso, el tren se daƱo y estuvimos otro rato parados en el medio de la nada. Llegamos con un hambre terribe y yo estaba antojadĆsima de comer comida venezolana. Luego me fui a hacer un proyecto para una clase y listo. Sobre mi outfit: le comprĆ© esta camisa a Furor Moda la semana pasada- me encantĆ³ el color, lo cĆ³moda que es y lo versĆ”ti (tengo muchas combinaciones en mente). De resto, mantuve el outfit de colores neutraes. ¿CĆ³mo va tu semana? Un besote!!
What's "I challenge you to..."? It's weekly special where we (Flor de Maria Fashion & I) challenge our readers and bloggers around the globe to wear specific trends or themes- and we would love if you could join us. Every Monday, we'll publish the each week's challenge, so you have all week to plan your outfit and wear it. Then on Sundays: we'll show you how we wore the trend/theme and you'll be able to share your link&outfit with everyone.
This week’s challenge: (08/15/2011 - 08/21/2011) We Challenge you to … get inspired by your favorite era.
Choose a decade and get inspired by it; it can be a piece, the hairstyle or the makeup. Be as creative as you want! I know this one is going to be hard... I don't even know which decade I would recreate while still wearing a wearable outfit. Can't wait to see your outfits!
¿QuĆ© es " Te reto a...." ?"Te reto a..." es una secciĆ³n semanal donde retamos (Flor de Maria Fashion y yo) a todas las bloggers y lectoras a usar ciertas tendencias/ temas- y nos encantarĆa que nos acompaƱaran. Cada lunes publicaremos el reto, de manera que tengan toda la semana para planificar y usar su outfit. Luego el domingo nosotras compartiremos como lo usamos nosotras y pondremos un espacio para que ustedes dejen el link de sus artĆculos.
El reto de la proxima semana: (22/08/2011- 29/08/2011) : InspĆrate en tu dĆ©cada favorita
La moda siempre regresa, razĆ³n por la cual ver hacia atrĆ”s e inspirarnos en una dĆ©cada nos pareciĆ³ super divertido. Se que esta va a ser dĆficil porque no se cual escoger, tengo ganas de retarme y escoger los 40s o 50s... ¿y ustedes cual van a hacer?
Previous Challenges: RETOS PASADOS:
Even though the coldest it gets in Miami is around 60F and it's ridiculously hot during the summer- I really love the long days in the summer- some days I can't believe it's around 8pm because it looks like it's 5pm outside. I wore this outfit on Saturday to go to a romantic dinner and have some drinks afterwards with my boyfriend. Remember my July wishlist? This dress was on it! Even though I might change it a little, I love its color and movement- and it reminds me of the purple Halston dress Sarah Jessica Parker wore on SATC2. I paired with gold/nude accessories. How was your weekend? Have an amazing week!!
Por mucho de que en Miami "no hay estaciones" porque hace bastante calor casi todo el aƱo, una de las cosas que me gusta del verano es que anochese a las 8-9 de la noche- aunque se siente un poco raro empezar a arreglarse para salir en la noche cuando todavĆa hay sol. ¿Se acuerdan de mi lista de compras de Julio? Este vestido estaba en ella, y aunque tengo ganas de hacerle unos mini cambios (como cortarlo un poquito)... me encanta el color y me recuerda al Halston que usĆ³ SJP en la pelĆcula de Sex and the City- aparte que me gusta mucho el movimiento que tiene. Este outfit lo utilicĆ© el fin de semana que salĆ con mi novio a un local- yo no soy muy de ir a rumbear pero este fin tenĆa ganas y la pasĆ© super chevere. ¿CĆ³mo pasaron el fin? FELIZ SEMANA A TODAS!
To read more about this week's challenge, click here...
Para leer mĆ”s del reto de la semana, haz click aquĆ....
A couple of hours ago I published this week's challenge but... I used pictures from two months ago (where I got inspired by Lovely Pepa, click here to see it). I really do not like to repost outfits more than once. As I mentioned, I had a little problem uploading these pics- but here they are, I hope you like them. My inspiration was Andy from StyleScrapbook- I love her blog&style and I'm so proud that she's a successful latina in Europe. I really wanted to give it my personal stye, reason why I changed the flat black hat to a fedora. About my Saturday: I spent it thrift store shopping but I didn't buy absolutely anything. First I went to a famous thrift store but it was a little scary, there was even a woman with an ankle tracking device. Then, I decided to go to C.Madeleines (a Rachel Zoe fave) where all they sell are vintage designer pieces- everything cost over $400. However, I love going there; everything is gorgeous... Dior from the 60's, Chanel from the 60s and they have everything organized by decade. After that I had dinner with my boyfriend, and came back home! Did you enter this week's challenge? Don't forget to leave your link at the end! XOXO
On the last post, I told that I haven't worn jeans in ages, but I felt in love with these Forever 21 jeans and I haven't stopped wearing them. People in school asked me if I got them at J-Brand, I was like "no way, they were only $16!). I also like that I'm challenging myself to make them look chic instead of boring. I know I always complain about how hot Miami is (and it still is) but you always are indoors with the a/c on; reason why I decided to wear this outfit ( and I had the cold still and the a/c is terrible when you are sick). I got this bag a couple of days ago and I'm in love with it.... isn't it gorgeous!? it dresses up any outfit! I took the pics just before arriving to a Furor small shopping event- there we talked for hours, drank wine, and I did a little shopping. I got a shirt that you saw in the Furor Series and a new one- can't wait to show you. I came back home straight to the bed, I had to wake up early to go to school! I hope you are having an amazing weekend! Thanks for stopping by!
Hey everyone! This is look #4 from the Furor series- as I told you, we wanted to created completely different looks with different themes in mind. I would totally wear something like this in my dream job: fashion editor of a magazine (even if I were an intern lol). I love how the oversized shirt looks with the leather skirt. Also, we decided to button up the shirt and add a chunky necklace- I've seeing a couple of celebrities/models wearing this look and I think it's so chic and modern. Would you wear a shirt like this? Would you wear this outfit if you work in the industry? I want to hear (or read in this case) what you think! HAPPY FRIDAY!
Hola a todas! Este es el look #5 de la serie de Furor- como les contĆ©, estuvimos haciendo diferentes estilismos con cierto tema en mente. Este era mĆ”s como de "trabajo", pero de trabajo en la industria de moda. Si tuviera mi trabajo soƱado en una revista de moda, estoy segura que utilizarĆa algo asĆ. Me encanta como la camisa grande (puedes hasta robarle una a tu novio/papĆ”/hermano) contrasta con lo roquero de la falda de cuero. Decidimos hacer algo diferente y abotonar la camisa hasta el final y agregar un collar grande- he visto a muchas celebridades y modelos con este look, me parece super moderno. CuĆ©ntenme que les parece, ¿usarĆan algo asĆ si trabajaran en un trabajo que les permitiera explorar el lado fashionista? ¿Se atreven a usar la camisa abotonada hasta el final? Quiero oir sus opiniones! Un abrazo a todas y FELIZ VIERNES!
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