Hey! I'm blogging from PRAGUE! After spending just 24 hours in Caracas and a crazy trip where we lost the connecting flight to Prague... we finally made it! It such a gorgeous city- anywhere you look is breathtaking, even it is just a little alley. We took the typical tour around the city and then we ate at cute restaurant just beside a bridge. The only bad thing was that it was a little rainy- reason why my hair got SO messed up and it was so cold. As a venezuelan living in Miami, this is way too cold! I was wearing tights underneath my jeans, a long sleeve shirt, a sweater, the jacket, gloves, scarf, etc... so many layers! I hope you like the pics! I'm trying to post a quick summary with all the outfits from 2011 to finish an amazing year in blogging--- but just in case... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
___________________________¡¡Hoy les escribo desde Praga!!! Después de pasar solo 24 horas en Caracas y un maratónico viaje en donde perdimos la conexión a Praga... por fin estoy aquí! De verdad que es una ciudad hermosísima, donde sea que mires hay algo espectacular- no importa si es un mini rinconcito. Agarramos un tour por la ciudad, comimos en un restaurante lindísimo y típico, y luego subimos a reloj astronómico. Hoy estuvo lloviendo - por eso el desastre de mi cabello- y haciendo muchísimo frío; aquí estoy con medias pantys debajo de los pantalones, medias, una camisa manga larga, un suéter, la chaqueta, la bufanda, los guantes...demasiadas capas! Espero que les gusten las fotitos y por si no les escribo mañana a tiempo, quiero hacer un resumen de los outfits del 2011.. ¿les gusta la idea?.... FELIZ 2012!!

When I'm on vacation with my family, I love going through my mom's closet- I always find cute stuff and the best part is that we are almost the same size (even shoe size!). This time I borrowed the blouse, the shoes, and the vintage bracelets. Burgundy has been my favorite color this season- and this time I wanted to pair it with cream and brown tones. I wore this to have lunch with my family and then I adjust it a little to go out with my friends ( I changed the flawy skirt for a tight gray one, and I switched the gold accessories for black ones). I'm so excited because soon I'm going to be blogging from a different destination.... guess where! CLUE: it's really cold there- so get ready to see a lot of winter outfits! XOXO
Cuando estoy con mi mamá, me encanta robarle la ropa ya que somos casi de la misma talla- y como no vivimos juntas, aprovecho en las vacaciones. Esta vez le quité la camisa (la cual la ayudé a escoger), los zapatos, y las pulseras! El color vino ha sido mi favorito esta temporada, y esta vez quise combinarlo con colores cremas y marrones. Esto lo utilicé para ir a comer con mi familia y luego en la noche lo ajusté un poquito (me cambié la falda a una gris pegadita y cambié los accesorios dorados por negros) para salir con mis amigas a una discoteca. Estoy super emocionada porque pronto les voy a estar escribiendo desde otro destino... adivinan donde será? les doy una pista: hace MUCHO frío ahorita, así que prepárense para ver outfits de invierno por aquí! Un abrazo grandísimo!

Shoes/Zapatos: Nine west (mom's)
Shirt/Blusa: Forever 21 (mom's)
Skirt: Forever 21 (old)
Bag/Cartera: c/o Mimi Boutique

Hey everyone! This is what I wore during the last day in Merida with my big family- it was a little cold so I "stole" my mom's pashmina and I added the denim shirt so the outfit wouldn't be all black and monotonous. As I mentioned before, my family is huge; it feels lonely if we are around 30, so you can imagine! Since I only see them on Christmas, this was a day to spend with them as much as I could. We didn't take a lot of pics because the outfit was very simple! What plans do you have for New Years? XOXO
Esto fue lo que utilicé el último día de la posada en Mérida- estaba haciendo bastante friíto, así que le "robé" esta pashmina negra a mi mamá y para que el outfit no fuera tan monótono todo negro, le agregué esta camisa de mezclilla. Fue un día totalmente de compartir con la familia- como les mencioné, mi familia es grandísima.. cuando somos 30 sentimos que falta mucha gente. Generalmente los veo a todos solo en Navidad, así que un día de aprovechar eso al máximo. No tomamos muchas fotos pero el look es bastante sencillo y creo que se aprecia bien en estas. ¿Qué van a hacer para Año Nuevo? Un abrazo grandísimo!

I wore this vest for the first time on the previous look and I loved it so much that I couldn't wait to wear it again- and even though, I know I'm wearing even the same boots... the look is completely different. This is what I wore on Dec. 24th, we always celebrate it that day instead of the 25th (but we eat around 12am). At night I added a pair of opaque tights because it got a little colder. The started with family games and A LOT of food- including a table full of desserts in the afternoon. Later at night, we got together to eat, dance, and exchange gifts! (and I was the official photographer of the night, I took pics of everyone!). My parents surprised me with an album full of photos from the blog- so sweet! I hope you had an amazing time... once again... MERRY CHRISTMAS!
I just wanted to wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS- I hope you are having an amazing time with your family and friends! We are getting ready to eat the typical venezuelan Christmas dish (I'll share pictures tomorrow or the day after) and then we are going to exchange gifts. I would love to know what you do for Christmas? Does your country have any traditions? I would love to know! XOXO
Solo quería dejarles una nota rápida deseándoles una FELIZ NAVIDAD- espero que estén disfrutando con toda su familia, amigos, y seres queridos! Nosotros estamos ya preparándonos para ir a comer comida navideña venezolana (halladas, pan de jamón, ensalada de gallina, y ponche de crema; pronto les muestro fotitos en caso de que no sean venezolanas ) y luego vamos a hacer un intercambio de regalos. ¿Cómo celebras la Navidad? ¿Qué tradiciones tiene tu familia? ¿Qué plato típico comen en tu país!? Me encantaría saber! Las quiero muchísimo!!

Today I wanted to post a quick outfit of what I wore today- the weather truly depends on the sun (it's cold in the morning and night, while a little bit hotter in the afternoon). This amazing faux fur vest from Sugarlips- which by the way is reversible- is really warm; while my family was wearing lots of layers, I was perfectly fine with this. Oh, quick note- I just wanted to remind everyone that I just brought one suitcase to my holiday trip and I know I'm going to be wearing the same items MULTIPLE times until mid-January. I hope you are having and amazing time with your family.. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Hoy les traigo un outfit rapidito y con pocas fotos- el clima aquí en la montaña depende mucho del sol (en la mañana hace un frío horrible, luego calienta en la tarde, y apenas anochese, más frío). Este chaleco de Sugarlips -que por cierto es reversible, tiene como un animal print por dentro- calienta mucho más de lo que imaginaba. Mientras toda mi familia estaba con 3 suéteres, yo solo tenía esto puesto.. Estuvimos haciendo juegos, súper competitivos todos! Por cierto, quería mencionarles que voy a estar repitiendo muchísima ropa hasta mediados de enero ya que solo traje una maleta para mi viaje de Navidad- espero no aburrirlas y que al contrario vean que puedes hacer muchas combinaciones cuando tienes una cantidad limitada de ropa! Un abrazo inmenso... y FELIZ NAVIDAD!

As you can see in the pictures, where I'm spending the Holidays with my family is a little colder than I'm used to- when we woke up, it was hot but as soon as the sun went down... I had to had tights and everything because I was freezing. My family (HUGE) always gets together every year and we spend time playing games, eating, and more. Today we organized a small baby shower for a cousin and it was so much. I also took random pictures of flowers and my uncle's monkey (see below!). Talking about animals, I don't know how many mosquito bites I have by now (they are kind of noticeable in my legs!). About my outfit, I visually turned this dress (seen HERE) into a skirt with this oversized sweater- which I decided to knot to make it more fitted. Thank you so much for stopping by! YOU ROCK!

Hi everyone! As I mentioned before, I am spending my Holiday vacation in Venezuela with my HUGE family. Sorry that I have been MIA- but I didn't have internet for a couple of days (I feel like it's been weeks!). This is what I wore to a LONG car trip (about 10 hours)- I love that it's comfy enough to sleep in the car but I don't look like I'm in my pjs (specially because we always stop a couple of times to eat/go to the bathroom/etc). I hope you like the pics and that you are having an amazing Holiday with your family and close friends! XOXO
Hola a todas! Como les mencioné anteriormente, estoy en Venezuela pasando Navidad con toda mi familia y estuve unos días desaparecida por aquí (siento que fueron semanas y semanas y que las tenía abandonadísimas). Esto fue lo que utilicé para unas 10 horas de viaje en carro- algo totalmente cómodo para poder dormir en el carro pero al mismo tiempo estar presentable en donde siempre nos paramos a comer. Espero que les gusten las fotos de los paisajes y que también estén disfrutando estas fechas con sus seres queridos! Un abrazo grandísimo!

As I told you before, I've been living off a small suitcase I did for my styling class last week (the final was to create 5 looks for a trip). Thankfully I had it in my car when the big emergency happened at my apartment. I wore this day during the day as a regular maxi dress (already seen HERE a couple of months ago); then at night I wanted to dress it up by turning it into a maxi skirt and adding a white button up (which I already remixed --> "Remix: white button up"). I know this look is a little different and the maxi leopard skirt is very risky... tell me what you think! Have an amazing week! Are you ready for the Holidays!?

There are days when I "envy" bloggers in Europe because they can take pics at any corner and it looks amazing- I love Miami; the beach, the weather, the food, the people, the latin-culture... but when it comes to taking pics for the blog, it's a different story (it's either the beach or a residential area). A couple of weeks ago, I saw Shareen (from Vintage Mavens) and Steffy (from Steffy Pros and cons), both Miami bloggers, at this spectacular place (it looks like it doesn't belong in Miami). So I asked them the address and headed there before doing some Holiday shopping (I changed my heels to flats, don't worry!). I was supposed to arrive to Venezuela yesterday, but with the big emergency at my apartment... I had to postpone the trip. And the worst part is that I'm not even staying at my place (the apt is full of big machines that are drying the walls and floor)- so I packed random clothes and I have been improvising like crazy. I hope you like the pics! XOXO
Hay días que "envidio" a las bloggeras europeas porque pueden estar en cualquier esquina y se ve espectacular- a mi me encanta Miami; la playa, la gente, la comida, la cultura latina... pero cuando se trata de tomar fotos es un poco difícil (todo es playa o residencial). Hace un tiempito vi a Shareen (de Vintage Mavens) y a Steffy (de Steffy Pros and Cons), ambas blogueras de Miami, en un sitio espectacular que parece de otra epoca. Así que decidí preguntarles donde era, y es en el sitio más inesperado (tiene casas alrededor, tipo urbanización). Fuimos a tomar fotos ahí y luego me cambié los tacones por unos flats negros para ir de compras navideñas (ya casi tengo todos los regalos). Les cuento que se supone que ya estuviera en Venezuela, pero con el desastre que pasó en mi apartamento tuve que posponer el viaje. Nisiquiera estoy durmiendo en mi casa porque hay unas máquinas industriales que llegan a 50 grados centígrados para secar las paredes/piso- razón por la cual tuve que hacer una pequeña maleta y he estado ingeniándomelas para actualizar el blog con la poca ropa que me traje a casa de mi novio. Por cierto, hay MUCHAS fotitos abajo, espero que les gusten! Un abrazo grandotote!

I know that leggings are versatile and easy to wear- however, my goal was to make them look less gym-ish and more"fashionable!
Se que los leggings son versatiles y que puedes combinarlos con mil cosas- pero mi meta era hacer que se vieran menos casual (o de hacer ejercicio) y convertirlos en una pieza chic!
Previous Remixes: Remixes previos:
- White blouse - Blusa blanca
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