Thursday, February 21, 2019

Since the moment I learned how to do my eyebrows, I really feel my face changed. Eyebrows frame the face and they can transform any look.

Microblading is a procedure that started gaining popularity the last few years. I was very hesitant to try it- especially after seeing my aunts with the crazy eyebrow tattoos. After hearing the experience of a few friend and really analyzing if it was for me: I decided to do it.

So here is my experience and some of the FAQ I got on my Instagram (@Nany).

Let's start with a very important question: WHERE DID I GOT MINE DONE?
I went to @EyebrowDoctor in Miami Beach. Find someone who you can trust with your eyes closed. Check their portfolio carefully , look for reviews online...even interview them if you wish!  Make sure the place is clean, that they are using high quality products, and trust your instinct. I truly believe that cheap places end up being "expensive", especially when it's something semi-permanent on your body. It's better to pay a little extra to be 110% happy with the work.

When I got to the Eyebrow Doctor studio, we talked for a bit. She measured certain points of my face to make them symmetrical but she truly works wonders. She also applied a numbing cream and we got ready to start!

Then the second most common question was about the level of pain.
Well, I consider I have a high tolerance to pain and I DID feel pain.  Comparing it to other cosmetic procedures like waxing, I do think a brazilian wax hurts more.  Let's say a 7/10.

It's a bit uncomfortable because you can feel the skin breaking and it feels like little cat scratches. I have a few small tattoos and I think it does hurt more than a regular tattoo. 

The good news is that it's VERY fast. I wish  I would have timed it because I wanted it to be over QUICKLY but at the same time I know it didn't take that long.

After leaving the studio, I felt my eyebrows a bit swollen and some discomfort- like when you have a paper cut.

Let's now talk about how to take care of them while they are healing.
The person that just did your eyebrows should give you clear instructions on how to take care of them. If she is not giving you the instructions in written form, WRITE THEM. You should follow them from A-To-Z to avoid any infection and to make sure they come up like they should. Here are some of the instructions given TO ME, but remember every esthetician is different...LISTEN TO THE EXPERT you decided to trust!

- Don't get the eyebrows wet during the healing process (which is around 7 days minimum)- that means all day and all night.
- Don't put makeup on your eyebrows for a week. I would apply concealer, mascara, bronzer- and then I would remove it with carefully without touching the eyebrow area.
- Do not scrub or rub them.
- To help with the itchiness, apply an after-care ointment with a Q-tip.
- Avoid tanning or sun exposure + swimming pools for 14 days.

You might get tiny scabs...that's normal! Just keep an eye on them!

I think it's also important to mention that the first few days, the eyebrows look darker than they would be. Don't get alarmed, it fades to a natural color! I personally didn't do them too dark because I love NOT-wearing makeup and I didn't want to look like a clown without anything on my face. So I still put a tiny bit of eyebrow powder when I'm doing a full-face of makeup.

Remember that this is not 100% permanent, it will fade over time.  

Which leads me to my next question: how long does it last? Do you need touch ups?
Like I said, it isn't a permanent procedure. Your first touch-up is needed 4 weeks after the initial appointment, to make sure everything is as you want it to be!

After that, you will need touch-ups 6 months-1 year after your first procedure depending on skin type, medications, and sun exposure..

CONCLUSION: is it worth it?
Well, that's a personal one. For me it was. My eyebrows are more symmetrical, I like how it looks without makeup and I love how easy it is to follow the shape when adding a bit more eyebrow powder.

Many of my friends have done it and are obsessed with it!!


Desde que aprendí a maquillarme las cejas, siento que mi cara cambió. Las cejas realmente son el marco de la cara y nos pueden transformar por completo.

Desde que el procedimiento de "microblading" o micropigmentación tomó fama, me llamó mucho la atención. Pero admito que no soy la primera en probar este tipo de cosas, me gusta escuchar las experiencias de mis amigas y analizar si realmente es para mí- porque puede ser algo que va a pasar de moda rápidamente.

Así que les cuento mi experiencia y les respondo las preguntas que me dejaron en IG.

Primero lo primero, ¿a donde fui?
Fui a @EyeBrowDoctor en Miami Beach. 

Esto es lo MAS importante. Busca a una persona en la que confies ciegamente. Revisa su portafolio, busca que dice la gente de su trabajo online, que sea un lugar limpio, y que utilicen productos de la mejor calidad posible.  Recuerda que "lo barato sale caro", y más aún cuando se trata de algo SEMI-PERMANENTE en tu cuerpo. Es preferible que pagues un poco más pero salgas 100% contenta con el trabajo que te hicieron.

Cuando llegué al estudio de Eyebrow Doctor, estuvimos hablando un rato. Me midió como ciertos puntos de la cara para que quedaran simétricamente naturales. Me aplicó un poquito de crema anestésica y empezamos. 

Con esto voy a la segunda pregunta frecuente:  ¿duele?
No les voy a mentir, a mi me dolió ( de la escala del uno al 10, diría que como un 7 en el departamento cosmético, porque después de las contracciones de parto, ningún dolor se compara). Se sienten como raspones y escuchas la piel pelándose. Yo tengo un par de tatuajes pequeños y si considero que duele más que un tatuaje. Es soportable, sí- pero molesta bastante. 

Lo bueno es que fue relativamente rápido. Me hubiese gustado contar el tiempo porque parte de mí estaba desesperada porque terminara,  y otra sabe que no se tardaron mucho. 

Después de salir del estudio, sentía como ardor en las cejas- como si tuviese una cortada de papel (de esas que molestan pero que sabes que no son nada).

Entonces hablemos de ¿Cómo es el cuidado?
La persona que te hace la micropigmentación debe darte instrucciones claras, preferiblemente por escrito, de como debes cuidarlas para evitar cualquier tipo de infección y que por supuesto, queden perfectas. Les voy a comentar algunas de las sugerencias que me dieron a mí, pero si a ti te recomiendan algo distinto- por favor, ¡¡hazle caso al experto!!

- No mojes tus cejas por 7 días mínimo.   Nada de nada, que estén secas día y noche.
- No puedes maquillarte las cejas por una semana. Yo aplicaba corrector, mascara, y bronzer y lo removía con una toallita desmaquillarte- evitando tocar el area de las cejas.
-No te rasques ni te toques la zona de las cejas.
- Si sientes resequedad, aplica un poco de pomada con un hisopo. La EyebrowDoctor me dió la cremita que me podía poner.
- Evita el sol, las piscinas, y sudar por una semana mínimo.

Te van a salir como unas costras, o como si te estuvieses pelando- es normal, es tu piel cicatrizándose. 

También es importante acotar que los primeros día se ve más oscuro que el resultado final. Mi recomendación personal es que no se las hagan tan marcadas- yo todavía me maquillo las cejas un poco cuando estoy MUY maquillada- prefiero eso a sentirme con unas mega cejas cuando estoy con la cara lavada.

Mucha gente cree que es como un tatuaje 100% permanente pero no es así- se va desvaneciendo con el tiempo y requiere retoques para mantener su color- pero de retoques les cuento un poquito más abajo.

Por eso, hablemos de: ¿Cuánto dura? ¿Necesitas retoques?
Generalmente se debe hacer un retoque al mes de la primera consulta- para ver si se necesita algo más o si te quedaron exactamente como las querías.

Después de eso, como dije, el color se va desvaneciendo y puede que necesites retocarte cada 6 meses o cada año. Todo depende de tu tipo de piel,  cuanto tiempo pasas al sol, si estás tomando algún medicamento, etc.

Conclusión: ¿Vale la pena?
A mí me gustó mucho. Siento que ahora las cejas las tengo más simétricas, tengo como una guía para sacarmelas y maquillarlas. Como les mencioné, creo que me las hice naturales para poder verme normal sin maquillaje- y eso me gusta.  

A todas mis amigas que se han hecho microblading,  les ha encantado el proceso y los resultados.

¿Estás pensando hacerte la micropigmentación? ¡Cuéntame tu experiencia si lo has hecho!

Baby Comfort with Hanes Baby

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Sponsored by Hanes Baby. All opinions are my own.

As an adult, when you are comfortable…you feel good, right? It’s that simple! That’s the reason why it’s always a priority for us to dress Nico in comfy clothes: comfy baby = happy baby!!

We were super excited to partner with Hanes Baby for its new line of babywear. It was designed with comfort in mind AND the basics are ADORABLE! You can mix and match them for any occasion. This line is proof that comfort doesn’t mean your little one can’t be stylish!

The Hanes Baby line features ways to make your life as a parent easier So let me tell you all about them!

Hanes Flexy allows clothing to fit your baby longer with a flexible fabric that stretches 4 ways. This provides value, and I personally get attached to his cute little clothes and I love knowing they’ll last longer! 

-Hanes Zippin allows parents to change baby easier and adds flexibility to adjust arm and leg cuffs as needed.  He is such an energetic baby and he moves a lot while changing, so the zipper pants make everything just faster and convenient + the zippers have a protective cover to keep them away from your baby’s skin!

Let me show you some of Nico’s (and our) favorite styles!


As soon as Nico wakes up, we change his diaper and get him out of his PJs. If you have been reading my Sleep Training stories, this helps him get in the mood of “the day began…I’m out of my Pjs”. We regularly put him in a short sleeve/sleeveless body suit since Miami is so warm. I also think he moves more freely in this tank and now that he is learning to crawl, it’s the perfect match!

I’m loving this tank onesie. The 5-pack has the cutest prints; from stars to this cute astronaut dog. It has expandable shoulders to get the tank over the baby head easily!


Our getting ready routine is always a little crazy- like any new parent right?
I put him in the play pen, I do my makeup quickly (I have a 5 minute makeup routine down to the T!), then change him while still in my pjs. Then, put him in the stroller or bouncer while putting my clothes on and getting his diaper bag ready to go…and finally we are out the door!  

This adorable set comes with a zip pant, which makes it so much easier to put on Nico. Now that he is so agile, he wants to crawl away as soon as I lay him to dress him.  And well, I love the star print…give me anything with stars!!


This set of a knit hoodie + pant is super cute- and it was perfect for a sunset stroll with Gabe. Chiki, our pup, was getting groomed that afternoon, we totally missed him that day! 

Like I mentioned, it’s finally a bit cool in Miami. I was born in a tropical country and layering is always a bit tricky for me…imagine with Nico that he can’t tell me if he is too hot! But if you live in a seasonal city, this set also comes in a fleece option!


A polo bodysuit? I’m sold! This style looks so adorable on little babies, but it’s super easy to get over their heads! The fabric truly moves with Nico. We have been using them alone at the house and then we’ve added some pants and socks for outings - he gets so many compliments with the polos!

Look at this constellation onesie! I’m in love! I need one in my size!

And this short-sleeve polo with its matching pants!

And onesies with adorable messages! likes BABIES FOR A CHANGE.

Oh and I know many non-moms follow me but love reading about baby stuff, these make for the perfect gift for any new parent!. 

You can also check out the Hanes Baby app that just launched on the App Store and coming soon to Google Play . It has the cutest children’s stories with interactive features that allow babies to participate in story time!