Spears meets The Craft

Thursday, April 7, 2016

When I was getting dresses that day, Ashley, her husband and my husband started joking around that I looked like an edgier version of Britney Spears.

To continue the joke, I did two ponytails, put my top in a knot, and started dancing like Britney (all for snapchat!!, which is danidaniramirez in case you want to follow my daily randomness!).  But personally, this looks reminds me more of "The Craft", which is one of my favorite 90s movies. As I've shared before, I wanted to be a witch so bad when I was little.  I guess the dark colors + dark lipstick contribute to this vibe.

Looking back at the pics, I did look a little school girl, but I still think it is a fun look!

Cuando me estaba vistiendo en casa de Ashley y su esposo (nos estuvimos quedando con ellos en Dallas) me empezaron a  molestar diciéndome que me parecia a Britney Spears en el video de "Hit me baby one more time".

Yo les seguí la corriente, me puse dos cositas, anude mi top, y empecé a hacer la coreografía del video (todo para snapchat,por si no me siguen allá es danidaniramirez). Pero personalmente me recuerda un poco más a la de "The Craft", ya que ellas usaban uniformes de tartán y llevaban siempre pintura de labios oscuras.

Viendo las fotos si siento que me veía muy colegial...pero ese día me sentía super cool y eso es lo que importa.


ROMWE plaid skirt
EXPRESS white top
ROMWE gray sweater
GUESS over-the-knee boots
MYBAG.NET handbag
ZEROUV sunglasses


  1. Me encanta la falda con las botas por encima de la rodilla y el peinado te queda genial!
