Summer? What Summer?

Monday, August 3, 2015

See? I didn't lie when I said I was going to start pretending it was fall before I could theoretically start pretending IS fall. At the end, wearing the boots now in Miami and in October is basically the same thing. I thought they were the perfect complement for my outfit and it felt as hot as wearing jeans (well, that was my excuse for wearing them "it's just as wearing jeans, and you are wearing jeans". I wore this to go celebrate #nationaltequiladay with some friends at a bar. I'm honestly not a fan of #nationaldays...they are getting a little out of hand! Today was #NationalWatermelonday and last week #nationallipstickday and all I could think was ... "so why do we need to celebrate watermelon and lipstick?". Don't get me wrong, I love watermelon and give me lipstick any day of the week...but they are getting a little crazy! let me know what you thought of the look and your take on the crazy National days! XOXO


No les mentí cuando les dije que estaba loca por que llegara el "otoño". Lo sigo poniendo entre comillas porque aquí nunca llega... y es el mismo calor ponerme estas botas que ponérmelas en octubre. Y honestamente es lo mismo que usar un jean...y era lo que realmente quería usar con mi romper bohemio! Esto lo utilicé para ir con unos amigos a un bar y tomar tequila...porque era "National Tequila Day"... son ideas mías o esto de los National Days se han convertido en una exageración/locura/ridicules. Hoy fue #NationalWatermelonDay...y no entiendo cual es la locura de todo el mundo con estos dí me malinterpreten, es divertida la cuestión jajaja. Cuéntenme ustedes que les pareció el look y que les parecen los #nationalXday! ¡BESOS

STELLY.AU romper
GUESS tall boots


  1. Hola Nany! Como siempre fabuloso tu look, tu eres bellisima, tu eres uno de mis modelos a seguir <3 Los #NAtionalXDays para mi eso es Marketing, pero a mi me encantan hahahhaah. Con amor desde RD <3

    1. holaaa!! Siii demasiado marketing pero se les fue de las manos....entiendo querer vender mas tequila o mas labiales...pero sandía/melon/patilla? jajaja
      y gracias eres un amor!! BESOS INMENSOS D MIAMI A RD!

  2. Such a beautiful look! Love the romper and the boots!

  3. Love these boots. Come to London and then you'll be saying "what summer?" haha. I can't wait to be back in MIA! I was wondering about all these national days too, is it something the Americans came up with?? x

  4. Me encanta este look boho chic con el mono y las botas altas!

  5. That romper is amazing, i love the style and also the print very much.

  6. such a stunning outfit!! I'm in love with that bag and romper !

  7. Such a cute outfit!! Love it!!

  8. You're so cute and this outfit is so cute!

    Kat | Delirium Style

  9. Me encanta ese vestido! Bellas fotos, y tu cabello claro te queda divino!
    We Shop in Heels

  10. I definitely agree! The national holidays are a little crazy! I love how you paired this romper with the boots, it's the perfect touch!

    Love, Karina
    Check out my latest ootd!
