Sunday, November 10, 2013

SHOP EXHALE universe top
SHOP EXHALE wash out shorts
SHOP EXHALE studded purple converse
SIRA & MARA necklace
ZEROUV sunglasses

We are almost in mid-November; and Miami's fall feels as far as possible- at least it's not that humid so we can pretend to wear some layers. Even though I complain a lot about Miami's tropical weather, I know some of you would love to still enjoy short-appropriate weather. This time I'm wearing a top, shorts, and shoes from Shop Exhale. This  company is based in Miami; they don't only have the coolest washed out shorts but they also put studs on converse shoes..I think it's the perfect touch to give an edge to a classic shoe. This look is perfect for a chill -summer- weekend with friends or family! XOXO


Estamos a mediados de noviembre y el otoño se siente lejos- al menos ya no está extremadamente húmedo. Por mucho de que me gustaría poder experimentar con capas...me encanta poder utilizar shorts todo el año. Esta vez estoy utilizando shorts, zapatos y camisa de Shop Exhale- una compañía en Miami que aparte de tener shorts y camisas super cool, ¡¡le ponen tachuelas a los converse!! Las tachuelas definitivamente le dan un toque especial a un zapato tan clásico pero cómodo. Este look es perfecto para un fin de semana relajado, cómodo, y cálido.

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