Into B&W

Monday, June 17, 2013

FUROR MODA black crop top
FUROR MODA jeweled necklace
FUROR MODA red bag
SHEINSIDE white skirt
VANITY GAL midi rings
FUROR MODA sunglasses

I wore this a couple of weeks ago to the L'Oreal Paris event in Miami Beach. My day started at Tatiana's place; she cooked a delicious but healthy lunch and then we started playing dress up (as usual). She took outfits pics of me, I took outfits pics for her. Then, Gabo picked us up to go to the event and this is what I ended up wearing. As you might have already notices, I'm very into the whole black and white summer trend.  I wore so much color last year, so it's a fun change. I really wanted to wear this skort (skirt/short), that every blogger seems to have. I found it at SheInside for $23- a lot less than the original Zara price and the quality is great. Since it was so hot and humid that day, I paired it with a black crop top and a pop of red with this gorgeous bag. Hope you are having an amazing week! XOXO!


 Hace unas semanas utilicĂ© este look para ir a un evento de L'Oreal Paris en Miami Beach. Mi dia empezĂł en casa de Tatiana; me cocinĂł un almuerzo riquĂ­simo y saludable. Luego, como siempre, terminamos probándonos ropa y tomando fotos (yo le tomĂ© fotos de looks y ella a mi). DespuĂ©s Gabo fue a buscarnos para ir al evento y esto fue lo que terminĂ© usando. Siento que estoy encantada con la tendencia de "blanco/negro" este verano (pero es tan clásico y fácil de usar...puede pasar de trendy a super elegante en dos segundos). QuerĂ­a usar esta falda short , que toda bloggera de moda parece tener... y como no, es hermosa. La encontrĂ© en SheInside for  $23- menos de la mitad del precio original de Zara y la calidad es excelente. Ya que estaba haciendo tanto calor ese dĂ­a, la combinĂ© con una camisa cortita negra, un collar llamativo, zapatos negros, y un pop de rojo con la cartera. Espero que estĂ©n disfrutando la semana ! Un abrazotote!

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