
Sunday, July 13, 2014

With Steffy's Pros and Cons, Ria Michelle, and The Fashion Poet.

With Annie Vazquez from The Fashion Poet

When Kipling reached out to be to be part of #Back2Kipling, I was so excited…I felt like I was a tween again. I remember the good old days (when we were happy and we didn't know it), my first grown-up handbag at 13 was Kipling…and of course, so was my backpack and wallet. To celebrate the opening at the new location, Miami International Mall, they had a fun event where you could monogram your backpack, enter raffles, take fun pictures at the Photo Booth, etc. There was also a great performance by Youtube star Megan Nicole. I had so much fun with the sweet Miami bloggers- hope you liked the pics! XOXO


Cuando Kipling me escribió para ser parte del evento #Back2Kipling, me emocioné muchísimo porque mi primera carterita de adolescente fue Kipling…y bueno, mi cartuchera, mi morral y mi monedero también. Para celebrar la nueva tienda en el Miami International Mall, hubo un evento genial donde podías ponerle tus iniciales a tus bultos Kipling, participar en rifas,y más..también hubo un performance de la cantante Megan Nicole. La pasé súper chevere junto a un grupito de Miami bloggers..especialmente payaseando el los photobooth. ¡Les mando un abrazo grandísimo!


  1. Love this, you're all so cute! xoxo


  2. i love kipling


  3. Que bonitas mochilas! te veías muy guapa Danny n.n
