Eyelet overalls...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

PIXIE MARKET flatforms (c/o)
PIXIE MARKET croptop (c/o)
PIXIE MARKET black eyelet overalls (c/o)
PIXIE MARKET sunglasses (c.o)
DANIELLE NICOLE burgundy bag
Bracelets: Michael Kors, BCBG, Jeweliq, and Vintage

You should never say "I would never wear XXX"- honestly I wouldn't have worn this look a couple of years ago (maybe even months). However, I think that's the best part about fashion...not being afraid to try new trends and styles. This time I'm wearing an black eyelet overall with a crop top, some flatforms, and some fun sunglasses. When I wear black&white clothes, I always end up adding a little bit of color...even if it's just lipstick. I wore this last week to have lunch with the amazing venezuelan blogger and entrepreneur  Valerie from Madame Fedora. What do you think of this out? Would you wear it? Have an amazing day! XOXO


Definitivamente nunca digas nunca...hoy es de estos outfits que hace unos años (o tal vez meses) hubiese dicho "NI LOCA". Pero creo que esa es la parte divertida de la moda...atrevernos a usar cosas distintas y no tener miedo a experimentar. En esta ocasión estoy utilizando una braga negra con un top cortito crema debajo, unas plataformas planas, y unos lentes divertidos. Siempre que uso combinaciones "blanco/negro" me provoca usar un labial llamativo y esta vez también agregué la carterita vino. Esto lo utilicé la semana pasada para ir a comer con la hermosa de Valerie de Madame Fedora- a quien admiro muchísimo pero muchísimo. ¿Qué opinan de este look? ¿Se atreverían a usar este tipo de sandalias "flatform"? ¡¡Que pasen un bonito día!!

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