REMIX: camo pants

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

1. Coco, piña, parcha   2. Camouflaged kitty   3. Pavan hits Miami Style mafia

I got this pants around February and I completely forgot about them... until a couple of weeks ago when we did the "his and her klozet". These pants definitely make a statement- reason why I wouldn't recommend wearing them 3 times in the same month. However, as you can see- they are more versatile than they look. Which look is your favorite?


Estos pantalones los compré como en Enero/Febrero y me había olvidado completamente de su existencia...hasta hace unas semanas cuando hice el "his and her klozet". Son definitivamente unos pantalones muy llamativos- no recomendaría usarlos 3 veces seguidas en un mes....pero como pueden ver, si son versátiles.  ¡Cuéntame que look es tu favorito!!


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