Stripes at the park

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Here comes another 5 random thing Sunday!
1. Since I was little I have been fascinated over everything ghost-related. When I was little I would love horror stories and as a tween I started understanding that I felt the presence of something…it never freaked me out and I'm actually bummed that it's something that I suppressed instead of developing it. Last night we went out to a housewarming party. a friend just moved to a 1920s house and we were kidding about it is obviously haunted.  When we were leaving around 1 am I looked up the stairs and I definitely felt something ( and everyone got chills down their spine). Gaby joking tried taking a picture and the camera kept trying to focus on something in the dark (the camera has a good face recognition feature!). crazy!!
2 This week i got one of the most exciting emails I've ever gotten.. an opportunity to work with a brand I love and it's really a dream! I cannot say much yet and  it doesn't make sense that I'm using one of my random things for this because I can really say much but I'm just so excited and it feels like a mother opportunity to thank you for always supporting my blog!
3. Gaby got another tattoo.. I tried talking him out of it, or maybe try to make him really sure about…but he was and he is happy, which is all that matters. We really need to stop judging people for something as stupid as a drawing in our bodies… we are so much more than that- what you do in life is what really matters.
4. I ave mentioned before that the kitchen is not m department, when I was 15 I tried cooking something for my then-boyfriend… and he spent like 2 days in the  bathroom, so I stopped trying aha. But lately, maybe it's the "wife" thing, I have been trying new recipes. Yesterday I made sweet potato pancakes with Chia and cinnamon and it was delicious!!
5. Another exciting thing happened this week… I won an LATAM award for "top influencer!' I really was expecting it and I'm so grateful for that recognition!

This is it! Hope you liked the look and share at least one random thing (or even a ghost story if you are as crazy as I am haha) XOXO.


¡Hola!! Como les prometí, aquí va otro domingo de 5 cositas random!!
1. Desde que era pequeña, siempre me ha llamado mucho la atención el mundo paranormal y soy de las que dice que siente fantasmas y cosas así. Anoche estábamos en casa de una amiga que se acaba de mudar a una casa de los años 20s y cuando nos estamos yendo a eso de la 1 de la mañana sentí una presencia de esas que te paran los pelos. Y luego Gaby burlándose de mi agarró su cámara y quiso tomar una foto y la cámara estaba empeñada en enfocar la cara de algo donde no había nada (tiene face recognition y es buenísima!). Salimos de ahí con los pelos de punta!.
2.  Esta semana me llegó un email con una oportunidad increíble que todavía no me creo. Estoy loca por poderles contar más.  Hay días que les juro que no me creo todo lo que he podido lograr con el blog gravas a ustedes y por esto siempre les estaré extremadamente agradecida con ustedes.
3. Gaby se hizo un tatuaje de una cámara, tal vez lo vieron en Snapchat… me senté con el cientos de veces para asegurarme si era lo que quería de verdad- pero lo era, y un "dibujo no cambia quienes somos… hay que olvidarse de los estereotipos!
4. Yo nunca he sido de cocinar, pero ayer cociné unas panquecas de batatá dulce que me quedaron riquísimas. Es de la receta del libro de Sascha Fitness pero en vez de linaza, le puse semillitas de chia.
5. Estoy muy contenta porque esta semana me gané el premio LATAM "top influencer";  no me lo esperaba. Fue justo después de dar una charla de contenido digital junto a un grupo de influencers.. y fue WOW! No me esperaba ese reconocimiento.

Espero oír así sea una cosita random de algo que les haya pasado esta semana o de su vida. ¡BESOS!

H&M wide brim hat


  1. Playsuit is gorgeous, love how you styled it!

  2. Love this look! So perfect for summer! And I love how you always incorporate your dark lipstick.

    Kisses from Miami!
    xx, Shay

  3. Hope you had a great weekend. Looking stylish as always :)


  4. Me encantan los zapatos, estan super lindos!
    The Color Palette

  5. Loving that striped number! xx

  6. Cute look, love your espadrilles, they look so comfy yet stylish!

    Printed or Plain

  7. Great style , I love your bag and your cute hat . You look amazing , thanks for sharing !!!


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Last night we expired out to a housewarming party. a acquaintance just moved to a 1920s household and we remained kidding around it is obviously haunted.

  10. Really like your blog, it is very inspiring to me, but I would see it also on Youtube!

  11. Such a cool lip color!
    And great hat to hide from that hot Sun!
