A couple of weeks ago, Pantene invited me- and two bloggers more (Jeannette de Todo Bebe y Marines de Aol Latino) to be hair models for a series of videos for Pantene's Facebook. At first I thought I wasn't going to be able to make it because I had class all day- but I decided to skip it so I wouldn't miss the experience. When I got there, I was the last one- they were already ready all dolled up. After eating a couple of snacks, I was ready to get my hair done. The first look were soft waves- very Kim Kardashian (I specially loved having all the rollers in my hair); the second was a "wet look" with a low bun (since it was more of nighttime, I changed my lipstick to my favorite red "Covergirl 305 HOT). At first I had no idea what to do in front of the camera, I felt awkward just smiling there. It was so much fun- models have it so easy, they just need to show up and look pretty! I'll share the videos as soon as they post them! Have a great weekend! XOXO
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ReplyDeleteComo siempre, te ves muy bien Dani. Te felicito por tantos logros haciendo LO QUE MAS TE GUSTA ;)
ReplyDeleteBella como siempre ;) esperamos el video... y nos digas cual es truco para tu cabello.. cuidate :)
ReplyDeleteTienes cabello de miss pero mas bello y natural!
ReplyDeleteQUe linda dani! que bonita experiencia!
What a great opportunity! Be interesting to see the pictures!
ReplyDeleteTikkitiboo + Ahka Vintage
Enter our Inbar Shahak Jewelery Giveaway Here!
Wow, que lindo, espero que nos compartas los videos seguro quedaron geniales :)
ReplyDeleteLulita's Diaries
Aweee how fun! Great choice on skipping class 4 a day hehe
ReplyDeleteотличный пост. красивый фотографии)
читайте мой блог)
que suertee!buenisima la foto de los rulos!jajaj
That's such a great experience! I'm sure I would have skipped classes without thinking twice ;)
Passion for art & fashion
Tienes un pelo precioso para jugar con él :)
ReplyDeleteUn besín guapa.
hola dani que linda! Porfa ensenanos como ellos te peinaron asi nosotras nos hacemos tambien ese pelo lindooo :D
must have been a fun experience :)
by the way,i have a little giveaway on my blog right now :)
Qué suerrrrte! Seguro que te lo pasaste genial ^^
Que suerte!! tuvo que ser estupendo, poder tener una experiencia así, muchas chicas soñamos con tenerla algún día.Por cierto te dejaron estupenda, un beso.
ReplyDeleteEstas guapisima...que pelazo!que se quiten la carbonero y paula echevarria...dani chica pantene!!
ReplyDeletemuchas gracias por pasarte y comentar en mi blog!
Besitos desde manuelasstyle.blogspot.com
y mñn...nuevo post!
un besazo y feliz puente!!!
mil muaksss
estas preciiosa, tienes un pelo ideal!
Desde que ví la foto que twitteaste dije Wow definitivamente Dany es perfecta para un anuncio de cabello, y es que lo tienes divino! Que divertido!
ReplyDeleteCess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries
Estoy deseando ver los vídeos, vaya una experiencia!!
ReplyDeleteYou're really really bautiful...!
¡¡Enhorabuena!! si es que no es para menos, tu blog es fantástico.